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Groups and Workshops

Groups and Workshops

When we are struggling with life challenges, one of the most effective paths to growth and healing is in being witnessed by others. When we allow ourselves to be witnessed by those who share our struggles and experiences, this path is even more direct. Time and again, research shows how impactful groups can be in providing insight, connectedness, and meaning. I am honored to facilitate a variety of groups and workshops that can augment individual therapy or stand alone as powerful outlets for healing. 

Tricia Anbinder, LCSW Atlanta therapist
Tricia Anbinder, LCSW Atlanta therapist
Tricia Anbinder, LCSW Atlanta therapist
Tricia Anbinder, LCSW Atlanta therapist
Tricia Anbinder, LCSW Atlanta therapist
Tricia Anbinder, LCSW Atlanta therapist
Tricia Anbinder, LCSW Atlanta therapist

Coping With Infertility Group for Women
Nowhere is the need to take off our masks and be authentic in our grief and fear more critical than in the struggle with infertility. And, nowhere is it more impactful than in a group of women who share the life-altering experience of infertility. I am honored to offer a skills based group for women struggling with the grief, anger, and loneliness that often accompany the roller coaster of infertility. This group offers concrete coping skills, support and connection, and education and resources to help manage the emotional and spiritual aspects of infertility.


Often, women experiencing infertility avoid joining with others with similar struggles, for fear of taking on more heaviness on their already painful path. In my groups, I take great care to help members strike the right balance between sharing, connecting, and gaining skills to cope with the infertility journey. For more information, including current group dates and times, please call or email me. 

Parenting After Infertility Group for New Mothers

The journey of infertility is a life-changing one - one that does not end when the dream of parenthood becomes a reality. Without time to recover from the experience of infertility, grieve significant losses, or regain peace and centeredness, the transition into parenthood is even more challenging than usual.   


Right now, you may be feeling guilt and shame, wondering how you can be so tired and resentful when your dream of being a mother has come true. You may be scared that your experience with infertility and loss has left you too scarred and exhausted to be the mother you’ve dreamed of being. But, with gentle support, you can emerge into wholehearted parenting.  


In this group, you’ll connect with mothers who are faced with the same joys and struggles as you. You’ll gain resources that can help you cope with the challenges of new motherhood. And, you’ll develop ways to integrate your experience with infertility into your identity as a mother. For more information, including current group dates and times, please call or email me.

Tricia Anbinder, LCSW Atlanta therapist
Tricia Anbinder, LCSW Atlanta therapist
Tricia Anbinder, LCSW Atlanta therapist
Tricia Anbinder, LCSW Atlanta therapist
Tricia Anbinder, LCSW Atlanta therapist
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